Clifford Chance US LLP
31 West 52nd Street
New York
United States of America

9 February 2023

25+ Speakers
Leading figures in the Risk Transfer & Synthetics Sector

200 Seats
Register to secure yours today
Clifford Chance US LLP
31 West 52nd Street
New York
United States of America
9 February 2023
25+ Speakers
Leading figures in the Risk Transfer & Synthetics Sector
200 Seats
Register to secure yours today
It seems that the US CRT market has been at the point of lift off for years. There are doubtless hurdles to be overcome, not least of which are the relatively rich capitalization of US banks and the apparent opposition of regulators. But in a world of standardized capital treatment, Risk Transfer still makes a lot of sense for a lot of borrowers across North America. What will make them come to this market in greater numbers?
Cost per Delegate:
Applies until | Subscriber Discount | Subscriber Rate | Non-Subscriber | Non-Subscriber Discount |
31-Dec | 25% | $1,169 | $1,325 | 15% |
31-Jan | 20% | $1,247 | $1,403 | 10% |
09-Feb | 10% | $1,403 | $1,559 | 0% |
SCI News subscribers – to receive a discount code please contact ta@structuredcreditinvestor.com (Enter discount code on next page.)
For sponsorship and speaking opportunities please contact David Zaher: dz@structuredcreditinvestor.com
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experienced any COVID-19 symptoms? (CDC symptom guidance here)
had a positive COVID-19 test?
been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case?
(CDC close contact guidance here)
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If you answer “yes” to any of the above, you should not enter the office. If you are generally not feeling well, you should likewise not enter the office.
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